Wednesday 6 November 2013

Hey Guys

Hey Guys, I figured I might as well post on this blog after another year, even though iCarly has ended, I'm 16 now and I am so much more different.
But even though I ship exactly 146 more ships than I did the last time I posted on this blog, I still hold a torch for the ship that pretty much started it all- Seddie.
This blog is not dead I swear it.
And to prove that, today I am here to bring you my Top Five Seddie Headcannons
(if you didn't know a headcanon was, here is the Wikipedia definition: Elements and interpretations of a fictional universe accepted by an individual fan, but not found within or supported by the official canon)

Nadine's Top 5 Seddie Headcanons

  1. Sam and Freddie got back together after the show finished. (This is an obvious one, after the end of the show there would be no way that Sam and Freddie didn't hook back up)
  2. Sam still picks on Freddie even while they're dating (She still makes fun of him and stuff, but its all in good heart. It's just light humour, happy teasing and friendly bickering)
  3. Freddie teaches Sam more about computers (not a tech genius, but he helps her learn how to be way more than compute literate, and she really appreciates it)
  4. Sams nickname for Freddie is friend chicken (every time she says she loves friend chicken, she's secretly talking about Freddie. When she professes her love for the food, she's really telling freddie she loves him, in the hope he would notice)
  5. Although they bicker, and broke up once or twice, they will stay together forever (an obvious headcanon for a Seddie shipper to have but I felt it was necessary and a good one to end my list on)
So that's about all for this post, I'm going to try make this a more regular posted on blog rather than once a year, so keep posted, and I really dont want to do this, but it was my thing last time I posted on here, so its my blog's thing now.


Aka. Seddie Ninja (actually now it's Marzipan-Pond, but I'll change that next time)

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