Tuesday 14 August 2012

iOMG- A review plus the past year of Seddie moments

Hey Guys!! I'm back! did you miss me? Just kidding. Nobody reads this anyway. But if you are one of the few who do, I apologise for not posting anything new for over a year... Err, I don't actually have an acceptable excuse. But I'm sorry nonetheless. Some of the two who are reading this may be wondering why, after a whole year, I'm posting again. Well because a) I haven't posted in a whole year and b) It's the one year anniversary of Sam and Freddie's relationship. (even though they promptly broke up afterwards...)
Okay, a LOT of things have happened in the Seddie universe during my year and a bit of absence. There was iLost My Mind, iDate Sam & Freddie, iCan't Take it, iLove You, plus the return of all of the minor moments that we all used to love and cherish pre-cannon.
The last time I posted, iOMG had already come out, but for some reason (I can't remember what it was...) I didn't review it or talk about it much... doing things like finding the Seddie moments in the plotline and things like such. So; I begin.
Iomg sam guacamole.pngI have to start by saying that I feel sorry for Sam. She's there, probably having trouble coming to terms with falling in love with Freddie, being nicer in the hopes he would feel the same, and he's commenting on how she's freaking him out because she's not being as aggressive as she normally is. He even accuses her of poisoning guacamole. That's just plain harsh in my book.
Also, for her best friend, Carly is not as damn perceptive as she seems to be. But in the end she does give some good advice. But in this episode, Freddie's just daft.
In this episode, good old Seddie hints like subtle glances and semi-flirtatious comments give way to Sam's not-so-subtle hanging out with, helping, being nice to and pretty much shamelessly flirting with Freddie. Which I (and 99% of Seddie shippers) have absolutely no problem with.
It can be noted that in this episode Sam doesn't hurt or insult Freddie at all. All she does is offer to help with a project, go to the movies with him, get his tech stuff for him, make him guacamole, and just be nice. Oh yea, plus she kisses him. She does that too. Which was AWESOME!! iOMG certainly lived up to it's name there.
I have to love that Sam was willing to put her freindship on the line to admit her feelings to Freddie (and NOT Brad) despite the looming possibility of rejection or the cursed "let's just be friends". Because nothing could break her heart worse than remaining friends with someone who she knows she can't be with.
But all in all the audience is left with a suspenseful cliffhanger with an embarrassed Sam, a shell-shocked Freddie, and Carly whose train of thought was probably along the lines of "Finally! It's about time!".

Okay, that turned out differently than I originally intended, less plot-line, more general. But I don't care, it's pretty good for a first review if I do say so myself. That being said and done, I'm about to die from exhaustion so,

Peace, Love, Seddie

Aka. Seddie Ninja

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