Tuesday 10 June 2014

My Favourite Seddie Fanfics

Okay so here's a list of the best seddie fanfics i've read (keep in mind this is literally just a filtered version of my fanfiction.net icarly favourites with all the crappy ones taken out, so most of these are ones i liked in 2009/11 so no judging guys)

1) Sam's List of Guys Better Than Edward Cullen
By: Gabsikle 
Sam's not really a fan of Edward Cullen. So she makes a list of guys who are better than him for Carly to read. She's a little embarrassed of her number one. What happens when she loses it, and Freddie reads it? *Seddie*
Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Freddie B., Sam P. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 17,652 - Reviews: 567 - Favs: 364 - Follows: 137 - Updated: Apr 22, 2010 - Published: Mar 21, 2010 - Status: Complete

Okay so this is one I've actually read semi recently, its one of my favourite categories (funny and lightly Twilight bashing) and went pretty great. Its similar to the stolen diary fanfiction cliche except it Sams notebook with list of fictional guys better than Edward. Its pretty awsome and provides a funny read

By: SouthernB3lle 
Sam and Freddie find out they are Potterheads. My first iCarly fanfic.
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Freddie B., Sam P. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 16,753 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 36 - Updated: Oct 16, 2011 - Published: Jul 12, 2011

This fanfiction was pretty good, i enjoyed it at the time but since then it has added like four new chapters so i cant vouch for the quality of the most recent chapters. Its basically as the description says, Sam and Freddie both find out they love Harry Potter.

3) iThink We're Beautifully Imperfect
By: Angelic Guardian 
The progression of Sam and Freddie's relationship throughout the years. Oneshot. Post-iLost My Mind.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Freddie B., Sam P. - Words: 7,896 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 11 - Published: Aug 21, 2011 - Status: Complete

Read this one a while ago, then reread it for this post and quite enjoyed it. Its funny and great and is pretty much just related drabbles formed into a time jump story format and its pretty awesome

4) I Wish I Had a Girlfriend
By: IsraeliBadass212 
Based on Freddie's most recent blog. As soon as I read it, I got this idea. Freddie details little relationship problems between him and Sam, but ultimately tells us why it's worth it. Not sure how I feel about this, but tell me what you think. One-Shot.
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Freddie B., Sam P. - Words: 3,128 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 1 - Published: Jul 23, 2011 - Status: Complete

This one's pretty good. Its based off a blog post on the iCarly website and revolves around Freddie wishing he could do the things he always wanted to do with  a girl, with Sam.

Okay guys thats all i had in my favourites from 2009/2011, i'll get some more for you guys later maybe
if i remember

okay yeah bye guys



Wednesday 4 June 2014


I just realised how wishy washy i am recently, it was like months and months of solid Seddie favoritism shipwise and now im floating between ships like nobodys business.

(maybe i should get back into seddie..)

okay now im gonna work on that post about my favourite seddie fanfictions that i mentioned in an earlier post



Tuesday 6 May 2014

In an iCarly mood

Its weird cause im in an iCarly mood which is not something that actually happens to me.
Supernatural mood? yeah that happens.
Simpsons mood? occasionaly yeah.
Doctor who mood? quite a lot.
Homestuck mood? always.

iCarly mood? never.

so its pretty weird how im suddenly in a mood to watch the show i was pretty bloody in love with in grade 7, and i have no idea why.
Im not sure which episode i would watch if i did


okay yeah thats all for today



Tuesday 11 March 2014

Sam and cat

Well i bet you've all probably heard of the new spin-off/crossover show Sam and Cat and a lot of you might have seen it, i reckon its pretty good but i personally didn't get too into it for the risk of shipping Sam and Cat.
I don't see it as a crappy ship, in fact i think as two characters together, the ship certainly has its merits, but I'm a dedicated Seddie shipper cause it was one of my first ships ever, so i really don't think i could go against that die-hard shipping of Seddie (even though its died down now) and ship Sam and Cat.
So personally i don't watch the show, because I'm a bit weird like that and have a strange ship loyalty to something that doesn't even have a canon rivalry in the show.
Also cause i dont have time and am never in the mood.
But i still think its a good show.
Okay thats about it for now


Nadine (sorry for the short post, no motivation at the moment, might make another post later with my favourite Seddie fanfictions on it)

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Hey Guys

Hey Guys, I figured I might as well post on this blog after another year, even though iCarly has ended, I'm 16 now and I am so much more different.
But even though I ship exactly 146 more ships than I did the last time I posted on this blog, I still hold a torch for the ship that pretty much started it all- Seddie.
This blog is not dead I swear it.
And to prove that, today I am here to bring you my Top Five Seddie Headcannons
(if you didn't know a headcanon was, here is the Wikipedia definition: Elements and interpretations of a fictional universe accepted by an individual fan, but not found within or supported by the official canon)

Nadine's Top 5 Seddie Headcanons

  1. Sam and Freddie got back together after the show finished. (This is an obvious one, after the end of the show there would be no way that Sam and Freddie didn't hook back up)
  2. Sam still picks on Freddie even while they're dating (She still makes fun of him and stuff, but its all in good heart. It's just light humour, happy teasing and friendly bickering)
  3. Freddie teaches Sam more about computers (not a tech genius, but he helps her learn how to be way more than compute literate, and she really appreciates it)
  4. Sams nickname for Freddie is friend chicken (every time she says she loves friend chicken, she's secretly talking about Freddie. When she professes her love for the food, she's really telling freddie she loves him, in the hope he would notice)
  5. Although they bicker, and broke up once or twice, they will stay together forever (an obvious headcanon for a Seddie shipper to have but I felt it was necessary and a good one to end my list on)
So that's about all for this post, I'm going to try make this a more regular posted on blog rather than once a year, so keep posted, and I really dont want to do this, but it was my thing last time I posted on here, so its my blog's thing now.


Aka. Seddie Ninja (actually now it's Marzipan-Pond, but I'll change that next time)

Tuesday 14 August 2012

iOMG- A review plus the past year of Seddie moments

Hey Guys!! I'm back! did you miss me? Just kidding. Nobody reads this anyway. But if you are one of the few who do, I apologise for not posting anything new for over a year... Err, I don't actually have an acceptable excuse. But I'm sorry nonetheless. Some of the two who are reading this may be wondering why, after a whole year, I'm posting again. Well because a) I haven't posted in a whole year and b) It's the one year anniversary of Sam and Freddie's relationship. (even though they promptly broke up afterwards...)
Okay, a LOT of things have happened in the Seddie universe during my year and a bit of absence. There was iLost My Mind, iDate Sam & Freddie, iCan't Take it, iLove You, plus the return of all of the minor moments that we all used to love and cherish pre-cannon.
The last time I posted, iOMG had already come out, but for some reason (I can't remember what it was...) I didn't review it or talk about it much... doing things like finding the Seddie moments in the plotline and things like such. So; I begin.
Iomg sam guacamole.pngI have to start by saying that I feel sorry for Sam. She's there, probably having trouble coming to terms with falling in love with Freddie, being nicer in the hopes he would feel the same, and he's commenting on how she's freaking him out because she's not being as aggressive as she normally is. He even accuses her of poisoning guacamole. That's just plain harsh in my book.
Also, for her best friend, Carly is not as damn perceptive as she seems to be. But in the end she does give some good advice. But in this episode, Freddie's just daft.
In this episode, good old Seddie hints like subtle glances and semi-flirtatious comments give way to Sam's not-so-subtle hanging out with, helping, being nice to and pretty much shamelessly flirting with Freddie. Which I (and 99% of Seddie shippers) have absolutely no problem with.
It can be noted that in this episode Sam doesn't hurt or insult Freddie at all. All she does is offer to help with a project, go to the movies with him, get his tech stuff for him, make him guacamole, and just be nice. Oh yea, plus she kisses him. She does that too. Which was AWESOME!! iOMG certainly lived up to it's name there.
I have to love that Sam was willing to put her freindship on the line to admit her feelings to Freddie (and NOT Brad) despite the looming possibility of rejection or the cursed "let's just be friends". Because nothing could break her heart worse than remaining friends with someone who she knows she can't be with.
But all in all the audience is left with a suspenseful cliffhanger with an embarrassed Sam, a shell-shocked Freddie, and Carly whose train of thought was probably along the lines of "Finally! It's about time!".

Okay, that turned out differently than I originally intended, less plot-line, more general. But I don't care, it's pretty good for a first review if I do say so myself. That being said and done, I'm about to die from exhaustion so,

Peace, Love, Seddie

Aka. Seddie Ninja

Saturday 7 May 2011

MY new Seddie Blog :D

Hey, it's Sam Puckett, the epic invisibe ninja!!! (that's me!)
Kidding. I'm Nadine and this is my new Seddie blog, i will be posting Seddie news and updates, cool factes and some info, straight from the words of Dan Schneider.
But for today ill just be throwing around some Seddie facts.

Random Facts:
  • Seddie is the most supported ship on the show
  • Seddie is sometimes (but rarely) called Fram
  • Screen shot 2011-04-15 at 11.02.35 PM.pngIn iOMG, it has been confirmed that Sam is indeed in love with Freddie, as she made a move and kissed him. Freddie further iterated this fact when he replied "It's cool." after Sam apologized
  • The official Seddie song is Running Away by AM . Fans consider this as the pairing's official song because it was played during Sam and Freddie's kiss in iKiss.
  • The official Seddie color is purple due to the fact that during almost all Seddie moments Sam and Freddie are wearing red and blue, which combine to make purple. In their kiss in iOMG, Sam was wearing red and Freddie was wearing blue
  • Sam and Freddie have worn Penny Tees that apply to each other, like "Special Ham" or "Church Pants". Also "Purple Jerk."
  • Seddie's word is "chizz." Sam and Freddie both use that word frequently, and it's rarely used by other characters.
  • Seddie's food is fried chicken because most people think it's Sam's code-name for Freddie. This is possible because fried chicken and Freddie both start with an F and almost all of the letters in Freddie's name are in the word "fried chicken".
  • The Seddie pattern is stripes. Sam hates stripes, but she never complains when Freddie wears them.
  • Both Sam and Freddie have problems with their mothers, and they once moved away from them because they couldn't take it anymore, but at the end they make up with their mothers and hug them. This happened to Freddie in iMove Out and to Sam in iSam's Mom.
  • Both of them have implied that they have looked at each other's butts. This was implied in iWanna Stay with Spencer and iHeart Art.

Sam's Nicknames For Freddie:
note: This is Freddie's full name, not a nickname. But Sam still enjoys calling him this.

Freddie's Nicknames For Sam:Edit Freddie's Nicknames For Sam: sectionEdit

It must be noted that the Seddie relationship has some pretty well known followers. Some are even celebrities, but some are just nowmal people who are pretty awesome!
Check out some famous seddiers:

  • SarcasticLeaves - She is most famous for her Seddie themed iCarly videos she makes with best friend LaneTea on YouTube. iCarly's own Nathan Kress is a big fan of the videos.
  • SeddieMania - He is known for his iCarly episode previews and reviews on YouTube. Dan Schneider has also invited him to the set of iCarly and asked SeddieMania to make a review for the extended iSaved Your Life. While visiting the set the cast members looked at various fan art.
  • Sp1derp1g or RobSp1derp1g- He is a Seddie writer and an episode reviewer. He was quoted in a Canadian magazine about Dan Schneider. His blog, RobSp1derp1g's iCarly Reviews, has had over 45000 visitors has been read by Dan Schneider himself. His reviews are known to have lots of funny moments.
  • Archnemesis - Is one of the mods at the Seddie forum. He is well known throughout the forum for his speculating about certain Seddie moments.
  • IamMu-chan on fanfiction.net, also Nix_Heyns on twitter, and IamMuchan7 on YouTube - She is a Seddie writer and edits Seddie video's. Probably the number 1 South African Seddie Shipper.
  • XxHatexYeahxRIGHTxX also Seddie4theflippinWIN -She's an extreme Seddie writer/Seddie Warrior. She can also be found on Twitter, the Bickering Sidekicks forum, and Youtube (she also makes Seddie Videos) as XxBeccaBeastxX
  • Rosfashion.wordpress.com - Her name is Alex and she does reviews with her best friend Amy. She also does fanart,tweet,does videos,and writes fanfics. She asks people to follow her on Twitter as she is knownas Seddieluva. Her best friend is known as Seddie2010. Her speculations and reviews are very accurate . She and her best friend are also very famous on the internet. Their website is posted above.
  • Beyondheroism__ - Is an iCarly fanartist who's OTP is Seddie.
  • slicknickshady - He is known for being very strong-minded about Seddie and often posts screen caps of things that Dan Schneider has said that point to Seddie. Dan used to respond to him quite a bit, although he and Dan got in a fight and are no longer speaking to each other. He doesn't go out of his way to defend Dan anymore but when some people still insist he caters to some portions of the fandom, he will defend him.
  • Karlarockangel- She is an extreme Seddie fan on twitter, she's very talented at doing drawings, and she writes seddie fanfics also.
  • ZutaraForever12 Known for her Seddie artwork on DeviantART. Also known as xKamiichan on YouTube and Twitter.
  • ColoursOfTheDawn - She makes amazing Seddie youtube video. Almost all of her videos are Seddie tributes.
  • iStarrburstKiss - She is a mighty Seddie warrior and posts Youtube videos for Seddie.
  • MidnightAvatArtist8 - The leader of the Seddie Club on DeviantArt.
  • AbsolutelySeddie- A Seddie blogger. She has very strong feelings about the Seddie love team and almost always writes about them.
  • Kpfan72491 - She is a Seddie writer.
  • CiscoRulz08 - She is a Seddie writer. She visited the iCarly studio with SeddieMania.
  • SeddieBerserker - The bureaucrat of this wiki.
  • SeddieFreak - A major Seddie fan.
  • Coketree20 - A Seddie Shipper who tweets constantly and writes fanfictions, but is most famous for her Seddie Spoof YouTube videos. She can be found under the username coketree20 on all of these sites.
  • seddieisthecure - A major Seddie fan.
  • seddieshipper - A major Seddie fan.
  • IzzyRoxUrSox13 - She is a Seddie writer.
  • icarly97 - Youtuber. She makes Seddie videos and is a hardcore Seddie shipper. A major Seddie fan before the kiss..
  • bbyrinaa -YouTuber. She make Seddie videos and is a hardcore Seddie shipper.
  • sabrinaschool - Youtuber. Makes sad, yet amazing Seddie videos.
  • buzzlebag - Youtuber. Makes Seddie videos.
  • jennettemccurdy1010 - Youtuber. Huge Seddie fan.
  • Seddiepopstar (Also known as Glitter64) - She is a major Seddie shipper on Twitter, and on the Bickering Sidekicks, where her username is Glitter64.
  • EverythinggSeddieZoee - (Twitter: @ZoeeWarner, YouTube: FallenAngelZoee, Seddie Blog: EverythinggSeddie.blogspot.com, Bickering Sidekicks: EverythinggSeddieZoee) HUGE Seddie fan & shipper. Runs the Seddie & iCarly blog EverythinggSeddie (:
  • SmartiesTubesAndCats - Makes Seddie photo thingies on DeviantArt
  • MidnightTwin - Make Seddie photo thingies on DeviantArt.
  • TheRealKarinaB - She makes amazing Seddie youtube videos almost everyday
  • Killer-Daisy Killer_Daisy- Is a Seddie writer on Fanfiction. She mostly writes future fics about the pair. And is a total Seddie shipper.
  • aly11hehe- She makes amazing seddie videos such as this one.
  • UniqueJennette - Major seddie fan on Twitter. Known for tweeting mostly about seddie.
  • Fishstix1987 - Youtuber. Makes Seddie fanvideos.
  • Leea Gardner - A brill Seddie writer on Fanfiction, she likes writing about teen angst with a happy ending. She is a total Seddie shipper.
  • rachim4- MAJOR seddie twitter on the wikia and the twitter. On all the day tweeting bout seddie moments.
  • SeddieLover26 - She is known for her seddie FanFictions and theories for Seddie moments, past and future.
  • 'FanaticsWeb''''- A huge seddie shipper who makes youtube videos
  • justlikeNT - A Seddie Shipper and a follower of Seddie Wikia that make great Seddie Videos
  • DemTaySeddieluv- Seddie shipper on twitter. She's a mixed fangirl so she also tweets about things like Demi Lovato or Glee but she also loves Seddie and Icarly and talks about them too pretty regularly.She ocasinally lurks the wikia page.
  • SeddieShipper17 - Seddie is an Sweet Pairing of Sam and Freddie in iCarly and They are so so so Sweet
  • Babel Leaf - a Seddie shipper who writes Seddie fanfiction, makes Seddie videos and tweets about Seddie and iCarly regularly. She also ships Felanie (Freddie/Melanie) as a minor ship.
  • ArianaGrande - "Cat" from Victorious; tweeted: "I'm so excited to watch the new iCarly tonight, I saw a clip of it the other night & cried!!! You all must watch and tell me what you think!" and "I know! It's amazing, did you love it? :] RT @cherrycrush47 @ArianaGrande I just freaked out, iOMG is true to it's name!!!!"
  • Rebecca Black - Singer of Friday; tweeted: "I screamed in the last part of #iOMG.. Is that weird? Yes. Very."
Thanks for reading my very first Seddie Blog
Nadine Aka. Seddie Ninja
P.S. We all know that iOMG was an EPIC episode, but it finished with a cliffhanger... the next episode -after iParty with victorious- will be called 'iDate Sam & Freddie' and will pick up right were iOMG left off. YAY :D